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Up in the air

February 7, 2013

He was in mid air; armed with two bazookas and wearing a space suit. While he liked the feeling of weightlessness and the complexity of his gadgets, he didn’t have time to revel in self-debauchery. Missiles were flying past him at high speeds. Green suited creatures with big heads and thin legs were floating around and destroying every space ship in sight.

“Oh, so this is what aliens look like”, he thought for a split second before dodging a bullet on his left. It almost caught his left palm.

Tonight, he had to make a choice. The path he chooses could prove detrimental to the humans and earth. He took a deep breath and spoke calmly into the microphone “Captain, I choose to remain here and fight for our planet. Over”

Without even waiting for a response, he somersaulted and aimed his bazooka at one of his green enemies. “Heeeeeeyyaaaa”, he shouted.

Guess it was a little loud.

His mother turned and patted him to sleep again. Oh the three year olds and their magical worlds.


This was written for Trifecta Writing Challenge: Week 63.

From → story, trifecta

  1. Ha! I love this! Takes me back!

  2. Very sweet. The magical worlds of three year olds.

  3. kymminbarcelona permalink

    A sweet twist! Nice.

  4. I did think it was a fantasy but did not guess it was a higly imaginative 3 year old-they seem to be getting smarter by the day;-)Great take on the prompt

  5. Great dream sequence!

  6. suthewriter permalink

    Hey, that is just too adorable! 🙂

  7. Hahaha! I have two sons, so I can totally see this scene. (You had me going, though…I thought it was a sci-fi piece until you tossed in the age fact!)

  8. Draug419 permalink

    hahaha awwww this is so cute!

  9. I enjoyed this.
    Oh to be three years old again!

  10. This was very good… ‘Guess it was a little loud.’… Didn’t realize it was a kid till the end..

    • Thanks. Glad to know I could keep the suspense till the end 🙂

      Btw, I ordered Shadow of the wind after reading your post on trifecta few days back. Thanks for that!

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