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A New Year

January 1, 2014

Another year passes by, leaving us with pride in what was achieved; disappointment in what we missed out and hopefulness in things ahead of us.

At the beginning of each year, I sit back and think about things that I need to achieve in the coming year. Even though, I don’t make concrete resolutions or take a quaterly/half-yearly stock of life; I always wish for a better year as compared to the last one.

The good folks at trifecta has asked me to make a resolution in three words. Three words it is then, for the year 2014:

“Make it count”


The one thing I absolutely need to achieve this year is to make the hours in my day count. I find time a very scarce commodity and constantly worrying about how much less time I have left, is not doing me any good. What I need to do is to ensure that I use all the hours within my day productively. Instead of letting time take control of my life and overwhelm me; I need to make it count, no matter how less it seems to be.

What are your resolution for this year? Do you believe in making resolutions at the beginning of a year?


Linked to Trifecta Challenge Week 99

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  1. No resolutions but blogged about targets for 2014. Make all ur dreams come true and wow, I am here after long tym. Happyyy New Year 2014:)

    • All the best to you with respect to your targets. Happy New Year!

      I know, I have been in hiatus for a while too. Btw, have you disabled the comment functionality in your blog?

  2. Happy new year 🙂 Wishing you all the best in everything you set out to do 🙂

  3. That’s a beautiful pic! Where is this?

    Good luck with your resolution for the new year. 🙂

  4. I also have the feeling of not enough time. Make it count makes sense – we have to maximize the time we do have. (In my mind, I’m thinking I should do that by getting back on track with writing my novel…my goals went out the window two weeks ago and I have yet to get back to it!)

  5. Good one! I gave up the game Candy Crush New Year’s Day. I’m hoping to make the most of my time as well. Happy New Year! 🙂

  6. debseeman permalink

    What a great resolution. It doesn’t have to be specific, but having the goal to make what you do count is an awesome approach to life. Great three!

  7. I like your resolution, but I think I might actually make your blog name one of mine. 😉
    Here’s to more writing in yoga pants. 🙂

  8. I’m with you on this one. I’m sure my hours are shorter than everyone else!

  9. Absolutely! We are not guaranteed so much as one more moment, so cherish each and make sure it is filled with a passion for life.

  10. Wonderful idea! Happy new year 🙂

  11. Momo permalink

    I like how wide open this is, with lots of possibility. Wishing you a 2014 that counts in all the right ways.

  12. I had a young friend who was burning the candle at both ends, up until all hours, doing school projects, playing in a band, dating, reading, getting sick and run down. I advised her to slow down and eliminate some of what she was doing so she could get more rest. Her reply was simple: “I don’t want to give up the things I want to do because of the things I have to do.” I have never forgotten that. But, for sure, there is only so much time…….use it to make yourself happy. Make sure that you are doing things that give you pleasure and fulfilment and, not just the things you have to do in life. Happy New Year. Best of luck making 2014 a most tranquil year. 🙂

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